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This privacy policy for Monarch’s reseller services (“Privacy Policy”) describes information that ELD Experts, LLC dba Monarch and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Monarch”) collect, use, share, and store, including personal information (i.e., information that personally identifies you, such as your name or email address, or other data that can be reasonably used to infer this information).


This document provides information regarding how we collect and use information from our public web sites, including without limitation (collectively, the “Websites”) and from the resale of any products and services (collectively, the “Resale Products.”).


Our Pledge on Privacy

We will be transparent about the different types of information we collect and how we use them. We will ask your permission before sharing your personal information with third parties for purposes other than the purpose for which the information was originally requested, or to provide the Resale Products, and to do so only when we think they will provide you with a welcome additional service. We will use best practices to keep your data safe.


Your Consent

Consent to data collection and processing

By browsing the Websites or otherwise engaging with Monarch for the purchase of any of the Resale Products, you agree to allow us to collect and process information as described in this Privacy Policy.


Consent to international data transfers

Your personal information may be collected, processed, and stored by Monarch or its service providers in the United States and other countries where our servers reside. Please be aware that the privacy protections and legal requirements, including the rights of authorities to access your personal information, in some of these countries may not be equivalent to those in your country. If you are browsing the Websites or are otherwise engaging with Monarch for the purchase of any of the Resale Products in Europe or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from United States law, you consent to the transfer of your personal data to the United States and other countries where Monarch operates.


What information do Monarch websites collect?

The Websites collect anonymous data as well as personal information. We do not collect personal information without you first taking an action that demonstrates your prior consent — such as clicking a “submit” button on a web form.


Any time you enter personal information in a form on one of the Websites, we collect that information and store it on servers that are encrypted and maintained by our data center partners or those of our third-party vendors. Examples of personal information that you provide when submitting a form include:

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Mailing address

  • Information about your business

  • Your stated preferences


When this happens, we also set a cookie that enables us to enhance your use of the Websites, for example by pre-populating your information in another Monarch online form you may complete in the future.


Like most Internet sites, the Websites routinely record log entries and technical information when your browser, mobile device, or Monarch Product contacts our servers, including:

  • Inferred location

  • Browser type and version

  • Device type

  • Referring domain

  • Other anonymous metadata inferred from your web session


In addition to the aforementioned data, cookies may be stored on your computer when you browse the Websites. We use cookies primarily to determine how visitors engage with the Websites (e.g., the pages you view, the links you click, how frequently you access the Websites, the number of visits over time, etc.).  Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive or assigned to your web browser that enable us to enhance your experience of the Websites.


We may also use clear gifs in HTML-based emails sent to our users or other contacts in order to track which emails are opened and which links are clicked by recipients. This information allows for more accurate reporting and improvement of the websites, engagement for the purchase of Resale Products, and our marketing efforts. We may also collect analytics data, or use third-party analytics tools, to help us measure traffic and usage trends of the websites and engagement for the purchase of Resale Products. These tools collect information sent by your browser or mobile device, including the pages you visit, your use of third-party applications, and other information that assists us in analyzing and improving the websites and purchase of Resale Products. Although we do our best to honor the privacy preferences of our Users, we are not able to respond to Do Not Track signals from your browser at this time, as we believe that there is no consistent industry standard for how to respond to Do Not Track browser settings.


You can “opt out” of the collection of any information through cookies or other tracking technology by actively managing the settings on your browser or mobile device. Please refer to your browser’s or mobile device’s technical information for instructions on how to delete and disable cookies, and other tracking/recording tools. (To learn more about cookies, clear gifs/web beacons and related technologies and how you may opt-out of some of this tracking, you may wish to visit one of the following sites:  


Lastly, we may permit third-party ad networks, social media companies, and other third-party services to collect information about browsing behavior from visitors to our Websites through cookies, social plug-ins, or other tracking technology. We may permit third party online advertising networks to collect information about your use of our Websites over time so that they may display ads that may be relevant to your interest in Monarch or the Resale Products on other websites or services. Typically, the information is collected through cookies or similar tracking technologies.


How does Monarch use the information it collects?

We use the information we collect to improve your experience in purchasing the Resale Products and services, including to relay assessments and recommendations about products, safety, or security enhancements. We may use your contact details to send you this information, or to ask you to participate in surveys about your Monarch use, and to send you other communications from Monarch.


We may also use this information in an aggregated, non-identified form for research purposes and to help us make sales, marketing, and business decisions.


We may use service providers to perform some of these functions. Those service providers are restricted from sharing your information for any other purpose.


We use industry-standard methods to keep this information safe and secure while it is transmitted over your local area network and through the Internet to our servers. Depending on your location and type of data, Monarch may process your personal information on servers that are not in your home country.


In what circumstances does Monarch share my information?

Under no circumstance do we share personal information for any commercial or marketing purpose unrelated to the purchase and delivery of Resale Products and services without asking you first. We do not rent or sell our customer lists.


The following are the limited situations where we may share personal information:


With your consent

We may share personal information when we have your consent.


As part of business transitions

Upon the sale or transfer of the company and/or all or part of its assets, your personal information may be among the items sold or transferred. We will request a purchaser to treat our data under the Privacy Policy in place at the time of its collection.


For legal reasons

We may provide information to a third party if we believe in good faith that we are required to do so for legal reasons. For example, we may disclose information in response to legal process and we may disclose information in response to lawful requests by public authorities in the United States and other countries for the purposes of law enforcement and national security.


We may share non-personal information (for example, aggregated or anonymized customer data) publicly and with our partners. For example, we may publish trends about security camera purchase in a particular industry segment. We may also share non-personal information with our partners, for example, if they are interested in providing demand-response services or other incentive programs. We take steps to keep this non-personal information from being associated with you and we require our partners to do the same.


What choices do I have and how can I delete my personal information?

Monarch generally stores your personal information on Monarch’s servers until you request that it be deleted or edited, or for as long as you remain a Monarch customer in order to provide you with Resale Products.


All personal information is encrypted as it is transmitted to Monarch and cannot easily be accessed.


You can amend or delete your personal information from Monarch’s servers by contacting Monarch directly at Because of the way we maintain certain services, after your information is deleted, backup copies may linger for some time before they are deleted, and we may retain certain data for a longer period of time if we are required to do so for legal reasons.


Can Monarch’s Privacy Policy be changed?

Yes, this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We make efforts to provide notice of any changes on the Website or by contacting you, but you can always reference this statement on the Website.


How can I contact Monarch?


590 Packard Drive

Grass Valley, CA 95945



If you have any questions, or believe that any personal data may have been compromised, please contact us at


Last updated: August 4, 2020

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